
Costa Rica nos necesita.

Apoyamos a voluntarios virtuales que donan su tiempo y talento para apoyar a la recuperación de Costa Rica. Únase a nuestro nuevo movimiento.

Our movement connects virtual volunteers who care about Costa Rica with changemakers who need their help and expertise. Join us.

How can I help?

¿Cómo puedo ayudar?

Anunciamos oportunidades para voluntariado virtual en redes sociales y en nuestro boletín, o usted puede inscribirse en uno de nuestros paquetes de voluntariado 2021: Mentoría para Organizaciones Sin Fines de Lucro, o Apoyo para Docentes de Inglés. Lea más aquí.

We announce specific needs for virtual volunteers on our social media and in our newsletter. You can also sign up for one of our ten-week 2021 Volunteer Pathways: Nonprofit Coaching or Support for English Teachers. Read more here.

Our Goals / Nuestros Objetivos

Conectar a Costa Rica con personas que la quiere

We hope to place the enormous expertise and knowledge of Costa Rica’s national and international communities at the service of nonprofits and teachers.

Fortalecer relaciones

Our virtual volunteers can begin or strengthen their relationships with Costa Rican communities they love, are interested in… or perhaps have never heard of, but will fall in love with through their volunteering experience!

Sembrar semillas

The leaders involved in starting the Costa Rica Corps are also creating plans for a national in-person service corps. We hope that our virtual volunteers can one day serve as a useful resource and tool for Costa Rican youth who are volunteering in person around the country.

Emergency Launch

Ante la emergencia

La crisis causada por el virus COVID-19 ha tenido un impacto devastador en la economía de Costa Rica. Muchas empresas pequeñas, organizaciones sin fines de lucro, centros educativos y otras entidades están reinventando sus operaciones totalmente para poder sobrevivir, y necesitan ayuda.

The crisis caused by the COVID-19 virus has devastated Costa Rica’s economy. Small businesses, nonprofits that depend on tourism, schools and other entities are reinventing themselves in order to survive, and they need help in a variety of areas. We hope to connect them with people who care, around the world.



Lea sobre voluntarios que han marcado la diferencia. Read about Costa Rica Corps Volunteers who have made a difference through their service.


Por favor comuníquese con nosotros en Facebook o Instagram, o en costaricacorps@gmail.com.

Connect with us on Facebook or Instagram or write us at costaricacorps@gmail.com.